日本加強管理築地魚市場由於大量不守規矩的觀光客湧進東京最受歡迎的觀光勝地築地魚市場,造成築地魚販商於年關拍賣旺季期間下達逐客令。每日吸引約4萬名買主與賣主上門的築地市場,經銷480種水產品,每日水產品平均交易量營業額高達2,000萬美元,不僅是日本水產品配送系統中心,也是世界好房網上最大的魚批發市場。 在日本人不以為意的築地魚市場,每天能看到穿著膠靴與戴著棒球帽的人,扯著嗓子、比著晦澀難懂(arcane)的手勢,拍賣各式種類的魚所形成的趣味景象,意外成為外國人最愛造訪的觀光聖地;而正經八百的築地魚販商則認為自己是在認真工作而非吸引觀光客。儘管市場掛有禁591止使用閃光燈的告示,拍賣商最常抱怨的還是不守規矩的觀光客,會在他們出價時使用閃光燈拍照,讓他們無法正確判讀手勢。市場於今年1月19日解禁後,在位於拍賣場入口處分發要求觀光客須待在指定參觀區、禁用閃光燈,並需於拍賣結束後盡速離場的中英日文、韓語與俄語五種語言的宣傳單,目前G2000為止宣傳成效良好。然而輿論仍對於解禁後蜂擁而至的遊客會否故態復萌爭論不休。(摘譯自Infofish Trade News,3 February 2009 )STRICTER RULES AT TSUKIJI FISH MARKETOverwhelmed by a growing number of misbehaving tourist, Tokyo’s Tsukiji fishmongersbanned all visitors from 系統傢俱one of the city’s most popular tourist destinations. The ban, imposedduring the peak New Year buying season, was lifted recently (19/1/09). Now, the tourists areback, but the debate goes on: Can tourists be trusted around the tuna?The Tsukiji market handles 480 烤肉食材kinds of seafood, attracting around 40,000 buyers and sellersdaily. The value of its seafood trade amounts to US$ 20 million per day on average, making itthe heart of the national seafood distribution system and the biggest fish wholesale market inthe world.It is the 591kind of place the Japanese take for granted. But it has become a big hit withforeigners because of the colourful way the fish are auctioned off by men in rubber boots andbaseball hats using arcane hand signals and the sheer volume and variety of fish availableevery 辦公室出租day.The no-nonsense fishmongers at Tsukiji do not see themselves as an attraction, but rather asworkers with pressing business. The most common complaint from auctioneers is on touristsusing flash cameras, which makes it difficult for them to read the finger signals 褐藻醣膠used forbidding. The market put up English signs saying “No Flash” but that was widely ignored.After the ban was lifted, the market began distributing leaflets at the entrance of the tunaauction site in English, Chinese, Korean and Russian, as well as Japanese. 票貼Along with the no-flashwarning, it tells visitors to stay within the observation area and leave promptly after theauctions. The post-ban crowds have been better behaved.

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